"I came to I'm Hurt Now What with a confirmed hip impingement. It had been an issue for ~5 years but the last year I had two serious incidents that put me on crutches, couldn't walk or lift my leg. Next stop was surgery. Full hip replacement I had gone to local physios, followed YouTube videos on hip mobility, mobility programs but they never addressed the issues or never addresses the constant pain. I've been working with Matt the last 3 months (don't let the telehealth put you off BTW, I live in a different continent, the service and access to him was platinum level support). I am now pain free, no issues sitting or driving for two plus hours, no issues out in the hills (I hunt a lot). Even a four hour plane ride didn't bother me, usually I'd be stiff as a plank after sitting for the period. I still have a hip impingement, but my quality of life is way better, no more constant dull pain, I can hunt without paying for it and I can roll around with my kid w/o issue. It was worth double the fee. This injury had me out of work, way behind on biz goals, not to mention vists to other medical pros that were doing nothing for me I am going to have an interesting conversation with my orthopedic surgeon next month. Needless to say, he won't be getting at my hip for another few years at minimum. Thanks man!"