"...Knee pain gone."

Escape the Trap of Persistent Knee Pain In 12 Weeks or Less

Read on to discover the simple solution that takes people from fearing pain from movement to moving pain free. (No, it's not surgery, creams, or medication.)

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From the Desk of:

BowTied Kobra, Expert Athletic Trainer

1,000s of Treatment Hours & 1,000s of Patients Served

To Those Battling Knee Pain:

Knee pain doesn’t just stop at your knees—it reaches into every corner of your life, slowly chipping away at the freedom you once took for granted.


Every time you think about taking a step, there’s that nagging doubt. Will this be the movement that pushes the pain too far? Will today be the day you can’t bounce back?


You’ve done everything you can think of. The creams promised soothing relief, but they only provided fleeting moments of comfort.


The pills dulled the pain, but at what cost? And those exercises that were supposed to strengthen and heal—they’ve left you wondering if you’re just going through the motions for nothing.


Each attempt feels like another brick in the wall of frustration that’s been building inside you.


It’s more than just pain—it’s the constant, underlying anxiety that tomorrow might be worse. The worry that every movement could lead to a setback, another day lost to discomfort, another activity you have to sit out on.


It’s as if knee pain has taken control, dictating what you can and cannot do, stealing the joy from moments that should be carefree.


And it’s exhausting.


The emotional toll is just as heavy as the physical pain. You start to question whether real relief is even possible. Is this just your life now? A constant cycle of pain management with no end in sight?


The defeat seeps in, making it hard to remember what life was like before the pain—before your world shrank to accommodate it.


But what if there was a way to break free from this cycle? What if you didn’t have to settle for a life of limitations, of constant worry, of feeling defeated before you even begin your day?


The possibility of real, lasting relief isn’t just a dream—it’s within reach.


Imagine waking up without that shadow hanging over you, knowing that your knees are strong, capable, and ready to carry you through whatever the day brings.


That's the life you can live by following...

How This Online 12-Week Program Relieves Pain Fast

Pain Management

Motion is lotion. We get you moving. This breaks the cycle you’re in. We introduce new ranges of motion to your knee. This breaks the fear cycle and you realize you can move.

Strengthening Exercises

Our program uses progressive resistance exercises tailored to strengthen your quads and knees, giving you back your mobility and confidence.

Flexibility Training

Strength is your secret weapon. We guide you through movements that unlock new flexibility, breaking the cycle of stiffness and fear. You’ll discover you can move freely again.

Functional Training

The program will also incorporate exercises that improve functionality. This helps prepare you for all the random things you need to do pain free. Whether it’s lifting groceries or playing with your kids, this program will help you do so pain free.

Progressive Overload

We challenge you. As strength and flexibility improve, the intensity and complexity of exercises are gradually increased. This helps to continually challenge the body and promote better adaptation to exercise tolerance; this reduces pain as well.

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What Our Clients Say

"Went from not being able to get under the bar to a 405 backsquat..."

"Went from not being able to get under the bar to 4 wheels All with the help of Bowtied Kobra. If you’re an athlete that needs to get back to slinging iron or on the field, hit him up ASAP I only wish I reached out sooner."

"...Knee pain gone."

"Kudos to Bowtied Bengal for helping me solve the tight it band mystery. He was right, getting the quads to relax was key. He used a kettle bell, I laid on top of the foam roller for the technique. Bonus, my left knee is only clicking half as much too. Knee pain gone. 👌"

"...Going home pain free is amazing!"

"Shout out to Bowtied Kobra. I spent the last week walking around a large concrete jungle of an amusement park. Last year when we made this exact trip, my knee kept me out of the game. This time around NO PAIN!🎉 Going home pain free is amazing!"

"After first exercise, pain/discomfort halved...now completely gone."

"That worked - very quickly in fact. After first exercise, pain/discomfort were halved. After second it was nearly gone. Now completely gone. That’s the second time your advice has worked, and fast!"

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*Just $67 For a Limited Time*

To Sum It Up, Here's What You Can Expect In As Little As 24 Hours Into Using This System

Relieve Your Pain

Ease the tension, increase mobility, and finally feel the relief you’ve been craving.

Fix Your Alignment

Correct the posture and movement patterns that have been causing your knee pain—unlock a body that moves without discomfort.

Strengthen & Flex

Build up the muscles around your knee, quads, hamstrings, and more for lasting support and flexibility.

Sleep Better

Finally get the rest you deserve—reduce knee pain that keeps you awake at night and wake up feeling refreshed.

Reduce Stress On Your Knees

Release the stress and tension that aggravates your knee pain—discover a new sense of ease and comfort.

Boost Your Energy

As the pain fades, so does the fatigue. Reclaim your energy and enthusiasm for life.

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*Just $67 For a Limited Time*

Everything You Receive Access to When You Order Today

12 Weeks of Expert Programming

A structured program built from 20+ years & 1,000s of treatment hours by a pain specialist & Doctor of Physical Therapy.

Simple Exercises. Zero Guesswork.

Step by step instructions in an easy to follow format. Video demonstrations for each movement. Warm-ups, mobility, and strength movements.

A Plan That Fits Any Schedule

Exercise sessions you can perform on your OWN time (on any schedule).

Built-In Progressions

Built in exercise progressions to continue to challenge you as you improve.

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*Just $67 For a Limited Time*

What's a life without health?

Don't let your knee pain hold you back any longer.


Break free from the cycle of pain and discomfort.


Life's too short to be in pain and not do something about it.


Take the first step toward a pain-free life today.

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*Just $67 For a Limited Time*