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"What's the best, lasting solution for your low back/hip pain?"

Your Unique Answer:

12 Week Rehab Plan

Here's What That Means...

Based on your responses, you can eliminate your pain without relying on pills, insurance companies, or physical therapists...


And you can do it in 12 weeks or less.


How do we know? Well, without evaluating you ourselves -- we can't guarantee it.


But after seeing hundreds of people worse off than you (see below) completely eliminate their pain with our rehab plans?


I find it almost impossible to believe you couldn't do the same.


Here's what I mean:


One of our clients was a son looking to get help for his mother. He bought our Low Back Rehab Plan for her & said:


"Before your plan, she was experiencing back pain which quickly escalated to a terrifying level, leaving her bedridden for several days, unable to stand or walk unassisted, and high as a kite on opioids. We picked your rehab program, which we had to adapt by using easier versions of the exercises to accommodate for her limited mobility and strength. She’s back to full mobility, able to jog and run again, and “didn’t feel this good since her early 50s."


Another client - who'd been struggling with low back pain for years - said:


"I came to Kobra with a torn hip flexor/labrum issue. Went from walking in pain to squatting and doing Crossfit movements. I can't say enough about the rehab program and Kobra's ability to diagnose my injury."


See what I mean?


If people can go from unable to walk to moving better than they have in a decade or walking in pain to doing Crossfit...


Is it ridiculous to think you can find relief too?


Nope. The only catch is, you have to follow the right plan.


A plan that works for your pain and fits into your schedule.


A plan with everything laid out step by step, so you know exactly what to do, when to do it, and how to do it.


A plan where - if you're consistent - pain relief is inevitable.


That's what you need to find the relief you've been hoping for.


Which is why I’m offering you the same 12-Week Rehab Protocol that’s helped hundreds of our clients finally get rid of their pain.


We’ve used it both in-person and online, and now you can access it at a fraction of the usual price.

How This Online 12-Week Program Relieves Pain Fast

Pain Management

Motion is lotion. We get you moving. This breaks the cycle you’re in. We introduce new ranges of motion to your back. This breaks the fear cycle and you realize you can move.

Strengthening Exercises

Once pain is managed, the program will focus on exercises to strengthen the hip and low back. These areas are your foundation. If you restore function here, most of your body follows in line.

Flexibility Training

Strength is your secret weapon. We guide you through movements that unlock new flexibility, breaking the cycle of stiffness and fear. You’ll discover you can move freely again.

Functional Training

The program will also incorporate exercises that improve functionality. This helps prepare you for all the random things you need to do pain free. Whether it’s lifting groceries or playing with your kids, this program will help you do so pain free.

Progressive Overload

We challenge you. As strength and flexibility improve, the intensity and complexity of exercises are gradually increased. This helps to continually challenge the body and promote better adaptation to exercise tolerance; this reduces pain as well.

Gain Instant Access

*Just $67 For a Limited Time*

What Our Clients Say

"...She’s back to full mobility, able to jog and run again, and “didn’t feel this good since her early 50s."

"A thank you note, low back & hip program did wonders to my mum in her 60s. She began experiencing back pain which quickly escalated to a terrifying level, leaving her bedridden for several days, unable to stand or walk unassisted, and high as a kite on opioids. She had never faced any such health issues before. We did an X-ray, MRI, and CT scan, and consulted with a trusted neurosurgeon. His main advice was to train as hard as possible to strengthen the deep lower back muscles. We picked your rehab program, which we had to adapt by using easier versions of the exercises to accommodate for her limited mobility and strength. We’ve been doing these training sessions thrice a week over a Google Meets and just reached a stage where she can complete an entire training session w/ target reps *and* target exercises. She’s back to full mobility, able to jog and run again, and “didn’t feel this good since her early 50s. Huge thank you, as the first advice from another doctor was to never run or exercise again.”

"Went from walking in pain to squatting and doing Crossfit movements."

"I came to Kobra with a torn hip flexor/labrum issue. Went from walking in pain to squatting and doing Crossfit movements. I can't say enough about the rehab program and Kobra's ability to diagnose my injury."

Gain Instant Access

*Just $67 For a Limited Time*

To Sum It Up, Here's What You Can Expect In As Little As 24 Hours Into Using This Rehab Plan

Relieve Your Pain

Ease the tension, increase mobility, and finally feel the relief you’ve been craving.

Fix Your Movement

Correct the movement patterns that have been causing your back pain.

Strengthen & Flex

Build up the muscles around your low back for lasting support, strength, and flexibility.

Sleep & Think Better

Finally get the focus you deserve—reduce back pain that keeps you distracted at work and restless at night.

Reduce Stress

Release the stress and tension that aggravates your back pain—rediscover a sense of ease and comfort.

Boost Your Energy

As the pain fades, so does the fatigue. Reclaim your energy and enthusiasm for life.

Gain Instant Access

*Just $67 For a Limited Time*

Everything You Receive Access to When You Order Today

12 Weeks of Expert Programming

A structured program built from 20+ years & 1,000s of treatment hours by 2 pain specialists.

Simple Exercises. Zero Guesswork.

Step by step instructions in an easy to follow format. Video demonstrations for each movement. Warm-ups, mobility, and strength movements.

A Plan That Fits Any Schedule

Exercise sessions you can perform on your OWN time (on any schedule).

Built-In Progressions

Built in exercise progressions to continue to challenge you as you improve.

Gain Instant Access

*Just $67 For a Limited Time*

What's a life without health?

Don't let your back pain hold you back any longer.


Break free from the cycle of pain and discomfort.


Life's too short to be in pain and not do something about it.


Take the first step toward a pain-free life today.

Gain Instant Access

*Just $67 For a Limited Time*