Hip and Lower Back Program 2.0
Hip and Lower Back Program 2.0
*Standard gym equipment is needed for our programs*
How This 12-Week Program Relieves Your Pain:
- Pain Management: Motion is lotion. We get you moving. This breaks the cycle you’re in. We introduce new ranges of motion to your back. This breaks the fear cycle and you realize you can move.
- Strengthening Exercises: Once pain is managed, the program will focus on exercises to strengthen the hip and low back. These areas are your foundation. If you restore function here, most of your body follows in line
- Flexibility Training: Here’s the kicker. Strength training done properly will improve your mobility better than stretching
- Functional Training: The program will also incorporate exercises that improve functionality. This helps prep you for all the random things you need to do pain free. Picking up your child with one arm off the floor or
- Progressive Overload: We challenge you. As strength and flexibility improve, the intensity and complexity of exercises are gradually increased. This helps to continually challenge the body and promote better adaptation to exercise tolerance; this reduces pain as well.
What You Receive When You Order:
-An expertly designed program from a back pain specialist and Doctor of Physical Therapy
-12 weeks of rehab
-Step by step instructions in an easy to follow format
-Exercise sessions you can perform on your OWN time
-Improved posture and increased mobility
-Built in exercise progressions to continue to challenge you
-Video demonstrations for each movement
Whether you're a seasoned athlete, a desk monkey, an active retiree, or a busy parent, if you're dealing with persistent hip and low back pain, our program is for you.
Got quick improvement and looking forward to continuing to do the right things and get back to 100%